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Unlimited Power : The New Science Of Personal Achievement[能量无限]

更新时间: 2024年10月14日 访问量: 3518次
Unlimited Power : The New Science Of Personal Achievement[能量无限]


书名:Unlimited Power : The New Science Of Personal Achievement[能量无限]
作者:Anthony Robbins,安东尼·罗宾斯
出版社:Free Press


Unlimited Power by Anthony Robbins is a life-changing book that will inspire readers to achieve an extraordinary quality of life. Robbins calls it the new science of personal achievement and shows readers how to master their personal and professional lives. The book is divided into sections, starting with the modeling of human excellence, explaining the commodity of kings, the difference that makes the difference, the power of state, and the birth of excellence. The author also explains the seven lies of success, giving readers insight into how to reprogram their minds in minutes to eliminate fear and phobias. One of the most valuable aspects of Unlimited Power is its teachings on how to create instant rapport with anyone you meet. This is a secret that will set readers apart from others in both personal and professional settings. According to Robbins, by utilizing this knowledge, readers can duplicate the success of others. The book also teaches the five keys to wealth and happiness, giving readers the knowledge and courage to remake themselves and their world. The keys include mastering the skills of communication, adding value, creating synergy, honoring life, and taking advantage of opportunities. In conclusion, Unlimited Power is a guidebook to superior performance in an age of success. It will show readers how to perform at their peak, gain emotional and financial freedom, attain leadership and self-confidence, and win the cooperation of others. It is a fitness book for the mind that will empower readers to create the life they desire and deserve.


Unlimited Power is a must-read for anyone who wants to achieve an extraordinary quality of life. This book teaches valuable information on personal and professional development, reprogramming your mind in minutes, creating instant rapport with anyone, duplicating the success of others, and attaining wealth and happiness. It is a guidebook to superior performance, empowering readers to create the life they desire and deserve. So if you are someone who wants to take control of your life, achieve success and happiness, and perform at your peak, then this book is for you. Reading Unlimited Power will be the best thing that ever happened to you.

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