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Rules for Revolutionaries

更新时间: 2024年10月11日 访问量: 845次
Rules for Revolutionaries


书名:Rules for Revolutionaries
作者:Guy Kawasaki,盖伊·川崎
出版社:HarperCollins US


Guy Kawasaki, CEO of garage.com and former chief evangelist of Apple Computer, Inc., presents his manifesto for world-changing innovation, using his battle-tested lessons to help revolutionaries become visionaries. ‘Rules for Revolutionaries’ is a book that presents excellent guidelines for those who want to become revolutionaries. Kawasaki’s experiences have taught him that in order to create groundbreaking products and services, one must take a different approach than conventional wisdom dictates. To make these ground-breaking innovations become a reality, you must first ‘Create Like a God’. This means analyzing the problems at hand and approaching them with a solid strategy. Next, one must ‘Command Like a King,’ making insightful and strategic decisions that will take your product to the top. The final step is to ‘Work Like a Slave’. Hard work and dedication are essential to take your revolutionary idea and turn it into reality. This book is filled with insights from top innovators such as Amazon.com, Dell, Hallmark, and Gillette. Kawasaki’s book is an essential guide to help entrepreneurs, engineers, inventors, managers, and small business owners turn their visions into reality, and their ideas into customer magnets. If you want to create a truly innovative product, this book offers the inspiration and tools needed to make it happen.


这本书的可读性非常高,并且深入浅出地阐述了许多将传统智慧付诸实践的例子。Guy Kawasaki提供了大量创新的指导和意见,将读者从理论引导到实践中。如果你想离开过去那个一味依赖创意的环境,重新审视自己所面临的问题,找到革命性的解决方案并打造客户磁铁,则绝不能错过这本书。