In this book, the author delves into the process mechanism of knowledge transfer and industry co-creation in the context of changing national policies. The book presents a detailed overview of knowledge transfer and information systems theories, using a knowledge-based approach to explore the significance of transnational knowledge management. The author proposes a model conceptualizing transnational knowledge transfer processes, summarizing major ISD policy tools utilized by countries such as the UK and China, and presenting an in-depth understanding of an IS network facilitation approach widely cited as an ISD exemplar.One of the major strengths of this book is the qualitative case study approach adopted by the author to study knowledge transfer processes. The book also emphasizes the significance of organizational knowledge taxonomy and offers insights into knowledge creation and dissemination. Additionally, the author discusses the determinants of knowledge transfer processes and explains how context factors can influence these processes.Overall, this book is a valuable resource for international cooperations and young researchers initiating qualitative research. It provides a comprehensive overview of knowledge transfer and information systems theories and presents new insights into the process mechanism of knowledge transfer. I highly recommend this book to any researcher looking to deepen their understanding of knowledge transfer and industry co-creation.
Knowledge Transfer and Industry Co-Creation: A Study on the Process Mechanism of Knowledge Transfer is a valuable academic publication exploring the process mechanism of knowledge transfer in the context of changing national policies. The author presents a knowledge-based approach to study transnational knowledge management and knowledge transfer processes, offering new insights into the subject matter. This book would be an excellent resource for researchers looking to deepen their understanding of knowledge transfer and industry co-creation.