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Advanced Microeconomic Theory, 3rd Edition 高级微观经济理论

更新时间: 2024年10月05日 访问量: 3890次
Advanced Microeconomic Theory, 3rd Edition 高级微观经济理论


书名:Advanced Microeconomic Theory, 3rd Edition 高级微观经济理论
作者:Geoffrey A.Jehle(杰弗里·A.杰里),Philip J.Reny,菲利普·J.瑞尼
出版社:Financial Times/ Prentice Hall


‘Advanced Microeconomic Theory, 3rd Edition’ is a comprehensive and up-to-date guide to advanced microeconomic theory that offers a rigorous treatment of the core mathematics and modern theory that advanced students must master in the field of microeconomics. This student-friendly textbook features an efficient theorem-proof organization, many examples, and exercises to help the reader fully understand the material. The 3rd edition offers new and expanded content, providing coverage of general equilibrium with contingent commodities, extended treatment of social choice, extensive development of Bayesian games, and a new section on efficient mechanism design in the quasi-linear utility, private values environment. Additionally, the edition has over fifty new exercises, making it an essential textbook for students at the Masters level, Ph.D. candidates, and advanced undergraduates. This textbook is recommended for anyone seeking a deep understanding of advanced microeconomic theory. The clear and patient explanation by the authors makes difficult topics easier to comprehend, while the many examples and exercises enable readers to apply the concepts learned in the text. This is a must-have book for professional economists and students alike.


‘Advanced Microeconomic Theory, 3rd Edition’ is a great resource for students and professionals who want to delve into advanced microeconomic theory. The authors have written a comprehensive and easy-to-understand guide that is essential for anyone who wants a deeper understanding of the subject. With its new and expanded content, this textbook provides complete coverage of essential topics in microeconomics, from equilibrium to game theory to mechanism design. The many examples and exercises make the material engaging and accessible to readers, and the efficient theorem-proof organization makes it easy to follow along. Whether you are a graduate student, Ph.D. candidate, or practicing economist, this is a book you will want in your collection.

Geoffrey A.Jehle(杰弗里·A.杰里)的书,Geoffrey A.Jehle(杰弗里·A.杰里)作品集