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[英文版]孙子兵法 世界学术经典系列 孙武著 [英]翟林奈译 罗选民导读注释 中国兵法

更新时间: 2024年10月08日 访问量: 994次
图书分类 : 经典军事著作
[英文版]孙子兵法 世界学术经典系列 孙武著 [英]翟林奈译 罗选民导读注释  中国兵法


书名:[英文版]孙子兵法 世界学术经典系列 孙武著 [英]翟林奈译 罗选民导读注释 中国兵法
作者:翟林奈,Lionel Giles


Sun Tzu: The Art of War is a masterpiece in military strategy and tactics, offering timeless and practical insights into warfare. Divided into 13 chapters, it covers a wide range of topics including planning, tactics, espionage, relationships, and leadership. The book is not only a guide for military commanders, but also a valuable resource for business leaders and politicians seeking to understand human nature and the art of cooperation. This English version, translated by Lionel Giles, remains one of the most influential translations of the text. With its clear and concise language, it is highly readable, making it accessible to readers of all levels. Sun Tzu: The Art of War is a book that deserves a place on every reader's bookshelf.


Sun Tzu: The Art of War is a must-read for anyone interested in military strategy and tactics, management, diplomacy, or leadership. The timeless wisdom contained within its pages has stood the test of time and remains relevant today. This book offers valuable insights into human behavior, conflict resolution, and cooperation, making it a valuable resource for anyone seeking to improve their decision-making abilities or leadership skills. Whether you are a military commander, a business leader, or a student of history, Sun Tzu: The Art of War is a book that should not be missed.