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Reinventing Gravity

更新时间: 2024年10月10日 访问量: 990次
图书分类 : Science(科学)
Reinventing Gravity


书名:Reinventing Gravity
作者:John W. Moffat,约翰·W·莫法特
出版社:HarperCollins US


Gravity has always been a mystery in physics, leading to difficulties in finding a Theory of Everything. But, the traditional view of dark matter has its own unexplained complexity. John W. Moffat, in his Reinventing Gravity, presents his Modified Gravity Theory (MOG), which offers a new solution to the problem. He proposes that both Newton and Einstein were erroneous, and the gravitational constant is not constant across distances as large as galaxies. MOG values help account for rates of galaxy rotation, and thus, dark matter might not exist. Another remarkable claim of Moffat is that black holes don't exist either, instead, a grey star, a massive object with many but not all of the properties of a black hole, aligns with his theory's predictions. Reinventing Gravity, therefore, promises to challenge existing knowledge and revolutionize physics.


If you have been interested in physics, this book is a must-read. It provides new perspectives on dark matter, challenges the constancy of the speed of light, and discredits the traditional view of black holes. Moffat's Reinventing Gravity, therefore, opens new doors into the mystery of the universe.

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