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Vegan Is Love: Having Heart and Taking Action

更新时间: 2024年10月13日 访问量: 918次
图书分类 : Science(科学)
Vegan Is Love: Having Heart and Taking Action


书名:Vegan Is Love: Having Heart and Taking Action
作者:Ruby Roth,鲁比·罗斯
出版社:Penguin Random House US


Vegan Is Love is a beautifully illustrated children's book that educates young readers on the importance of veganism and ethical choices. Author-illustrator Ruby Roth expands on her previous book, That’s Why We Don’t Eat Animals, by exploring the ripple effects of our choices and actions. She explains how choosing a vegan lifestyle can lead to greater compassion and contribute towards a sustainable world. The book covers a range of topics, from refusing products tested on or made from animals to avoiding animal races and circuses. The message is delivered with clarity and sensitivity, making it an essential learning resource for young readers. The book also features resources at the end for children to take action themselves, empowering them to make a positive change.


Vegan Is Love is a must-read for children and caregivers who are invested in building a sustainable and compassionate world for all living creatures. The book delivers an essential message with beautiful illustrations, making it an engaging and accessible read for young readers. Through her book, Ruby Roth inspires and empowers children to make ethical choices and take positive action towards a kinder and more just world.

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