推荐理由:Dostoevsky's The Idiot is a masterpiece that explores the complexities of human nature and society. It tells the story of Prince Myshkin, a saintly man who find...
推荐理由:This powerful novel by Thomas Hardy tells the story of a man whose tragic flaws lead to his downfall. From a drunken act of selling his wife and daughter to a h...
推荐理由:Mark Twain's Pudd'nhead Wilson is a dark and complex satire that explores racial stereotypes. Twain's humor, suspense, and pointed irony combine to create an en...
推荐理由:Kidnapped is a spirited, romantic, and dangerous classic of high adventure. It tells the saga of young David Balfour, whose greedy uncle plots to have him kidna...
推荐理由:This volume combines two books which were among the greatest contributions to feminist literature this century. Together they form a brilliant attack on sexual ...