推荐理由:A heartwarming tale based on true events, Ketzel, the Cat Who Composed tells the story of Moshe Cotel, a composer who lives in a noisy city and finds unexpected...
推荐理由:It's Grandad's birthday and Eddie, with Lily's help, is preparing a birthday tea using ingredients from their garden. But where did all the carrots go? This boo...
推荐理由:Piggins the butler solves the mysterious disappearance of Mrs. Reynard’s diamond lavaliere with the help of a delightful set of characters, providing a fun and...
推荐理由:Jan Brett's Little Library contains three beloved children's board books: The Mitten, The Hat, and Gingerbread Baby. The colorful characters and engaging storie...
推荐理由:The fifth book in the Harry Potter series follows 15-year-old Harry as he faces new challenges, from the return of Voldemort to tensions with his friends. This ...